News item - 2017-01-14

The final version of the Teversal, Stanton Hill & Skegby Neighbourhood Plan has now been submitted to Ashfield District Council for SEA (Strategic environmental assessment and sustainability appraisal) prior to being submitted for independent examination.


The Neighbourhood Plan document can be downloaded from here
(please note it is a large document (~100Mb), which will take some minutes to download, depending upon the speed of your internet connection)


Other documents that are available in conjunction with the Plan itself are:


  • Basic Conditions Statement - this document outlines how the Teversal, Stanton Hill and Skegby Neighbourhood
    Development Plan meets all of the basic conditions set out in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
  • Scoping Report - this document give an overview of the Neighbourhood Area and identify its strengths and weaknesses in order to give a 
    context to the Plan
  • Consultation Statement - this document details the Forum’s attempts to engage with the public to understand what they like and dislike about the area 
    and the changes they would like to see, together with the reaction to the Plan of various statutory bodies the Forum is required to 
    consult; the information in the Scoping report and the Consultation Statement form the Plan’s foundation and the policies contained in it
  • Sustainability Matrix - the key sustainability elements included in the Plan